„Twitter’s new owner Elon Musk has given employees until Thursday evening to commit to “extremely hardcore” work or else leave the company […] “This will mean working long hours at high intensity.“ – CNN Business, Mittwoch, 16. Novmber 2022
Was dabei herauskommt:
„Less than half of Twitter’s remaining employees signed up to work for Elon Musk’s ‚hardcore‘ vision, leaving leaders scrambling to persuade people to stay […] So many employees refused to sign up that it took Musk and his transition team off guard […] With the new wave of resignations, Twitter insiders are even more wary of how much thinner teams can be spread. Already, Twitter features are glitching and issues are taking longer to fix“ – Business Insider, Freitag, 18. November 2022
2. Integrität schafft Vertrauen
Wie professionelles Reputationsmanagement funktioniert:
„My commitment to free speech extends even to not banning the account following my plane“ – Tweet von Elon Musk am 07. November 2022„Sweeney, 20, shared publicly available information about Musk’s flights, not his family members or his cars. The records stopped and ended at airports, and Musk has provided no further detail as to what legal basis Musk would cite in a lawsuit.“ – The Washington Post, 14. Dezember 2022
Was dabei herauskommt:
„After Musk’s takeover, a number of companies including Audi, Volkswagen, and Pfizer suspended advertising from the platform over concerns about Musk’s content moderation plans.“ – Business Insider, 15. Dezember 2022„From Elton John and Trent Reznor to Whoopi Goldberg and Jack White […] Here’s a growing list of celebrities who’ve decided to no longer use Twitter… all because of Musk.“ – Rolling Stone, 19. Dezember 2022
3. Die Bedeutung der CEO-Reputation
Wie professionelles Reputationsmanagement funktioniert:
„Musk appears to be reworking content moderation to tilt the playing field in favor of far-right extremists […] the sweeping changes made by Musk, like the increased tolerance for far-right hate speech, mean that Twitter will […] be slowly hollowed out as a place to find varying views on matters of public importance“ – The Intercept, 29. November 2022
Was dabei herauskommt:
„Elon Musk’s Twitter Politics Add to Pressure on Tesla’s Brand Image […] On Nov. 7, for the first time since YouGov began tracking Tesla in 2016, more respondents in the U.S. reported a negative perception of Tesla than a positive view. The brand perception has eroded further since, according to YouGov data. […] Tesla is likely to have trouble distancing itself from its chief executive if he delves further into politics in a way that risks further damaging the brand’s reputation“ – The Wall Street Journal, 29. November 2022„Take a look at this graph of Tesla’s favorability among Democrats. It’s fine until October, when he buys Twitter. And usually for a Tesla to plunge off a cliff like that it has to be in self-driving mode. […] Not a great business strategy to alienate your best customers. Liberals buy more electric cars.“ – Stephen Colbert in „The Late Show with Stephen Colbert | Musk No Longer On Top“ am 15. Dezember 2022
„Drop of about 60% this year erases $626 billion of value“ – Bloomberg, 21. Dezember 2022
„Tesla stock has seen considerable selling pressure losing about 50% of its value over the year. […] Tesla continues to be weighed down by CEO Elon Musk’s recent acquisition of the social media app Twitter.“ – Forbes, 13. Dezember 2022„»Ich werde als CEO zurücktreten, sobald ich jemanden finde, der dumm genug ist, den Job zu übernehmen« […] Musk reagierte damit auf eine von ihm initiierte Nutzerbefragung, die nach zwölf Stunden am Montagmorgen zu Ende gegangen war. Der Unternehmer hatte dabei gefragt: »Sollte ich als Chef von Twitter zurücktreten?« […] Insgesamt nahmen etwa 17,5 Millionen Twitteraccounts an der Befragung teil – und ungefähr 57,5 Prozent davon sprachen sich für einen Rückzug von Musk als CEO aus.“ – Der Spiegel, 21. Dezember 2022
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